Eclair | Sire: Amont |
Grand Sire: Rutillant RJ |
Grand Dam: Suzy |
Dam: Agile RJ |
Grand Sire: Petin RR3 P |
Grand Dam: Paniere RJ |
- Excellent hind quarter development.
- Superb muscling.
- Very good temperament.
- Good length and a super topline.
- Total outcross pedigree.
- Dam has very good milk.
- Sire “Amont” produced sons and daughters with exceptional shape, style and correct feet and legs.
- They have strong toplines, fantastic ends and great breed character.
- Eclair has made a name for himself amongst pedigree and commercial showmen.
- His progeny have very good thickness of hindquarter, strong toplines and great breed character.
- His first calves slaughtered weighed incredibly well with excellent carcass traits.
- A commercial heifer bought by Mr Eamon O Donovan was 1st prize and Champion at numerous Summer 2013 shows.
- Use to improve muscling and style.
- Average calving difficulty.
Additional Pictures
Eclair head
Eclair commercial bull 6 weeks.
Eclair commercial heifer owned by Eamon O Donovan –
1st prize and Champion @ numerous Summer shows 2013
Eclair commercial heifer end.
Eclair commercial heifer pictured @ 8 weeks
Eclair end
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